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Invitation to Participate the Warsaw Home Furniture Fair in Poland from November 7-10, 2023

MFC Secretariat Team

Dear Esteemed MFC members,

For your information, MFC will be coordinating participation of local furniture manufacturers to the Warsaw Home Furniture Fair in Poland from November 7-10, 2023.

The decision was taken based on the huge resounding success of our inaugural trade mission to Poland back in October 2022 which resulted not only in huge sales volume but also the opening of a new window of opportunity within Poland and the Eastern European region.

Pleased with our 2022 performance, the organiser has allocated a booth size of 205 sqm to be the Malaysian Pavilion allowing more decorations and compartments to be build for the exhibitors.

Therefore, with ample time to prepare and make the necessary arrangements, participating companies are able to ship their products via sea freight to keep transportation cost to an affordable level.

Participating companies will receive a promotional booth, advertising and marketing (can claim under MATRADE MDG Grant up to RM25,000 per company).

Eligible claimable expenses are to be referred to the Market Development Grant (MDG) Guideline at

Exhibitors are also allowed to bring along their respective product samples or other promotional materials like video/ brochure by hand to showcase their product to interested buyers through business matching which can be arranged with the cooperation of the POLISH FURNITURE ASSOCIATION and POLISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

Note: Maximum number of participants is 10 companies

Interested participants can register with MFC Secretariat by May 24, 2023.

For more information, please contact June at 016-260 2103 or Daniel at 016-216 3103.

Thank you.

MFC Secretariat

邀请参与 2023 年 11 月 7 日 - 10 日在波兰举行的华沙家居家具展

诚致全体 MFC 理事:

谨此通知,马来西亚家具总会将带领马来西亚家具业者参加 2023 年 11 月 7 日至 10 日 在波兰举行的华沙家居家具展。

有鉴于我们于 2022 年 10 月首次前往波兰摆展的代表团取得的不错反响,让我们见到了波兰和东欧地区所带来的新商机。今年,马来西亚家具总会将申请约205 平方米的展位作为马来西亚馆,以让参展商有更多的展示和装饰产品的空间。


每个参与公司将获得一个促销摊位、广告和营销(每家公司可以在 MATRADE MDG Grant 下申请高达 RM25,000)的津贴。



注意:由于位置限制,最多只允许10 家公司参与

有兴趣的参与者可以在 2023 年 5 月 24 日之前向 MFC 秘书处注册。

欲了解更多信息,请致电 016-260 2103 联系 June 或致电 016-216 3103 联系 Daniel。




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