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Notice on Relaxation of Certain Criteria on Employment of Foreign Workers

MFC Secretariat Team

Dear esteemed MFC members,

For your information, the government has agreed to relax certain criteria on the employment of foreign workers to soothe the manpower shortage across several critical sectors including manufacturing.

Among the main criteria for this relaxation are:

1) Employers are required to fill in their application once more at the FWCMS system at under the ‘Modul FWe Approval’, effective immediately.

2) Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) will then process and give the approval within three (3) working days from the date of application. The advertisement requirement on myFutureJob Portal is exempted effective immediately.

3) Employers whom have applied prior to January 17, 2023 are required to make a new application again through the Modul FWe Approval.

4) After obtaining approval by the MOHR, employers are then required to make their levy payment at the Immigration Department alongside the other procedures (view KDN press release).

NOTE: Please be reminded that after the issuance of the PLKS working pass, employers have six (6) months to comply to the pre-requirements such as the adherence of the labour law, quota criteria under MOHR as well as the minimum employment requirements under the enforcement agencies as inspections WILL BE conducted by the government.

For further enquiries and details please view the attachment provided or contact Bahagian Pengurusan Migran (MOHR) at 03- 8885 2939/ 2940 or Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat (KDN) at 03- 8886 8451/ 3406/ 8035.

Thank You

MFC Secretariat

通告: 政府决定放宽聘请外劳条件

诚致全体 MFC 会员:



1) 雇主必须在 FWCMS 系统 内的 Modul FWe Approval 下再次申请。

2) 人力资源部(MOHR)将在申请之日起三个工作日内处理并给予批准。同时立即豁免在 MyFutureJob 网站上的聘请要求。

3) 在 2023 年 1 月 17 日之前申请过的雇主需要通过 Modul FWe Approval 再次提出新的申请。

4) 在获得人力资源部的批准后,雇主需要在办理其他手续的同时,在移民局缴纳人头税(查看 KDN 新闻附件)。

备注:在签发 PLKS 工作准证后,雇主有六个月的时间来遵守预先要求,例如遵守劳动法、人力资源部的配额标准,以及最低就业要求。执法单位将进行抽查。


1. Bahagian Pengurusan Migran (MOHR),03- 8885 2939/ 2940

2. Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat (KDN), 03- 8886 8451/ 3406/ 8035




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